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Open support ticket

You will get guaranteed support reply by submitting ticket in client portal Maccro Tele Serever

  • Max 24 hrs to get reply
  • Describe your case in details
  • Screenshots can help
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Installation guide Step By Step

Get support to learn  how to install IPTV for any device.  Well sorted tutorials.

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Our agents from support department available online 14 hours a day. 


Find what you want to know

Smart TV, any android devices include amazon sticks, Smart phones, Apple TV, Windows annd Mac .

visit for installation guides, For any other queries you can use live chat icon, or for guaranteed reply open ticket from Support in the menu.

May take up to 12 hours to activate your subscription after payment. We will send an email include all details and credential codes when your service activated.

Our service works anywhere, you need an internet connection only. But some regions like UK and Spain blocks IPTV. inn this case you need open a support ticket to get our special solution.

Defauly payment method is cryptocurrencies , If you are not able to pay by crypto open ticket inn support menu.
